Thursday, March 18, 2010

No. 77 - Disposable Razor Blades

Today I learned that a "disposable" razor is getting to be not so disposable. Gillette's latest creation is called MVP Power. In addition to its five blades, it has an "on-board microchip" and "battery power" which together provide "soothing micropulses to help reduce friction and increase razor glide, so you barely feel the blades." Okie dokie.

Me? I'm still back on the Mach3 Turbo with just three blades, which seems like two blades more than one would need to remove unwanted facial hair.

The Mach3 blades run about $2.00-$2.50 per blade. Gillette will debut a new model called the ProGlide Power in June in which the blades will run a whopping $4.50 per blade.

A while back, when I noticed how expensive replacement blades were getting, I decided to do a little experiment. Normally one would change their blade every week or so when it starts to get a little dull. Or if the conveniently provided "wear" strip changes color to "remind" you to change your blade. I decided to see what would happen if I kept using the same blade after the initial new blade sharpness wore off.

What I discovered is that the blade quality doesn't deteriorate much after that first week or two. I haven't counted the days - I've been meaning to do that - but I bet I have gone many months (3? 4?) before changing the blade. Instead of a great shave that very first time the blade is used, it's still a pretty darn good shave months later. The next time I change the blade I will note the date and report back in the comments section below on how long one Mach3 blade can last.

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