I didn't think there would be anything new to learn from the article, likely a rehash of the usual. But then I came to #6 in the list, which read:
Life without coffee is hardly living. So buy cheap coffee. I have three words and one contraction for you: Chock Full o’Nuts. I know, you don’t believe it’s good. I didn’t either. But it is! Pinky swear.Coffee has been mentioned in at least ten blog posts, so it's no surprise that I like coffee. But cheap coffee? I have tried many canned coffees over the years and recall one very good one, Maxwell House Italian Espresso Roast, but my local grocery store stopped carrying it and I moved on.
I learned that Chock full o’Nuts began as a nut shop in 1926 and became a coffee shop chain during the Depression. A good cup of coffee and a sandwich sold for a nickel. Their signature "nutted cheese" sandwich was made of cream cheese and chopped nuts on dark raisin bread.
The lunch counters gradually began closing in the 1970s and were almost all gone by the early 1980s. But just last month, the chain announced it was returning to the lunch counter business by opening its first store in almost 30 years, in Manhattan.
Guess who's going to be trying some Chock full o'Nuts coffee soon?
Back before I went Galt, I was raking in the bucks and spending a good chunk of it on fancy coffee. Once the paychecks from an employer stopped so did my spending. One of the first things I did was substitute Chock Full o' Nuts for my expensive coffee.. and you know what? I actually prefer Chock Full o' Nuts! It's CHEAP and GOOD!!! Really good. I make it with my French Press and when I've served it to coffee connoisseurs... they think it's the expensive stuff.