I learned that PubIt! is an online, self-service Web portal where independent publishers and authors can upload their eBooks and make them available for sale through the Barnes & Noble eBookstore. Essentially, you can take your book, upload it, choose your cover art, and begin selling it through Barnes & Noble within 24 to 72 hours. There is no charge for using the service. B&N keeps a percentage of the sales.
And the pricing model looks pretty good. For books priced between $2.99 and $9.99 you get to keep 65% of the list price. For books priced above or below that range, you keep 40%. Back in Post No. 215, I said that I think the price point which would be most attractive to sell a lot of e-books is $3 to $5. In this range you would keep $1.95 to $3.25 for every book sold.
I agree with my FB friend. This has the potential to change everything in the publishing world. It was only a matter of time. And where is Amazon in all this. No doubt, they will be announcing a similar service soon.
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