Sunday, October 10, 2010

No. 283 - Bunnicula

My daughter and I were reading together this morning. She told me about a book called Bunnicula that they are reading in school. She wasn't exactly sure how to describe it but said the front cover has the words "Today Vegetables...Tomorrow The World" on it.

So we used the iPad to look it up together. I read the Wikipedia entry for it out loud:
Bunnicula is a children's book series written by James Howe about a vampire bunny that sucks the juice out of vegetables. It is also the name of the first book in the series, published in 1979.
1979? That means it came out back when I was a kid. Huh. Never heard of it.

We continued reading:
The story is centered on the Monroe family and their pets and is told from the perspective of their dog Harold. The Monroes find a bunny at the theater where they were watching a Dracula film. Because of this, they name him Bunnicula. Their cat Chester, however, is convinced Bunnicula is a vampire and attempts to get Harold to help save the Monroes from the perceived menace.
It sounds like a cute story for Halloween, plus her and her brother were a huge help in stacking firewood yesterday. So we went to and ordered The Bunnicula Collection: Three Hare-Raising Tales in One Volume. It should be here in a few days. She is so excited.

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