Wednesday, June 9, 2010

No. 160 - Pittsburgh Rare

How would you like your steak cooked? Well done? Medium? Rare? How about Pittsburgh Rare?

I heard a radio talk show host ask another member of this crew this morning if they ever order their steak Pittsburgh Rare.

I asked my wife if she ever heard of Pittsburgh Rare and she told me that she had heard of it because I told her about it years ago. I asked her how that could possibly be true since I just learned about it today. She claims I did. I would give her a 23.42% chance of being right. It's possible, though I don't remember telling her. And I certainly have never ordered my steak that way. But I may soon.

A Pittsburgh Rare steak is one whereby the meat is flash seared and charred on the outside but still rare or raw on the inside.

The name may have originated from the Pittsburgh region's steel mills, and the supposed practice of workers cooking steak on a cooling piece of steel. But that may just be good folklore. Apparently in Pittsburgh this style of steak is actually referred to as "black and blue." This terminology comes from the fact that the outside is charred (black) and the inside is cold (blue).

1 comment:

  1. You need to try it. Especially if you love steak. Don't get it at a chain joint tho, go to a "real" steak house. I did get it at Ruth's Chris once, and it was ok. But somewhere like the Old Homestead, Luger's, etc... That's where you go! Delicious.
