My kids' legs are covered in it. And it's itchy. Today while I was helping apply some anti-itch cream on one of them, my uncle told me about a soap that is really good at taking the itch away. He said that you can take a bar of Fels-Naptha soap and create a little paste from it to rub on the infected area.
Wikipedia has this to say about Fels-Naptha:
Fels-Naptha is a brand of bar laundry soap used for pre-treating stains on clothing and as a home remedy for exposure to poison ivy and other skin irritants. Fels-Naptha is manufactured by and is a trademark of the Dial Corporation.
It later said that in its own caution use sheet, Dial Corp. states that Fels-Naptha is a skin irritant and should not be used directly on skin.
Well since poison ivy is a skin irritant too, I suppose it's worth a try.
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