Tuesday, April 6, 2010

No. 96 - Eye of the Tiger

I heard Eye of the Tiger by Survivor on the radio this morning. Although most people associate the song with Rocky - it was the theme song in Rocky III - it holds a special meaning for me.

It was the song that my wife and I chose to be played as we were announced to the guests at our wedding reception. The song rocks as much today as it did then and as it did back in 1982 when it was released and became one of the top songs of the year.

When we were on our honeymoon we found a copy of the original vinyl album in a used record store.

In the movie, Apollo Creed tells Rocky he must regain the "eye of the tiger," his fighting spirit. However, today I learned that the term also refers to an anatomical feature of the tiger.

I did not know that there are white spots on the back of tigers' ears that are used to confuse predators and reduce the risk of attack from behind. They are called "eye spots." In the wild, seeing the "eyes" of the tiger means death is imminent, because right before a tiger attacks, it turns its ears forward so that the spot on the back of each ear faces nearer its prey.

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