Thursday, April 29, 2010

No. 119 - Beltane

Last night a friend who I have not seen in 20+ years invited us to an "Early Cinco de Mayo/Beltane Fest" this Saturday. I've known L since grade school. In fact, L may have been the first girl I ever kissed. Granted, it was in the second grade, it was on the cheek, and the teacher seriously reprimanded me. But, hey, it still counts.

I immediately replied "yes" and then wondered what this "Beltane" part was all about. I'm like a chameleon at a party. I blend in. When in Rome. Yada, yada, yada. But still, perhaps I should know what I'm getting myself, or ourselves, into.

Beltane means "Bel's fire." In Celtic mythology, Belenus was one of the most ancient gods. His name meant "bright one," suggesting that he was a fire or sun god. The Romans equated Belenus to the Greek/Roman god Apollo, who was the god of a lot of things, including light and the sun.

I learned that in its simplest "family-friendly" definition, Beltane is a fire festival marking the beginning of summer. It is the celebration of life and love. Some refer to it as May Day, with rituals such as dancing around a maypole, crowning a May Queen or giving flower baskets. Others use it as a day to stop and observe the world, to appreciate the life that we are given, and to reflect on our place in the world.

I look forward to Beltane, celebrating life and catching up with an old friend.

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