Monday, January 4, 2010

No. 4 - The Rules

I discovered today that it's going to be more challenging than I originally thought to learn, and post, one new thing every day. I have set two general rules for my 365 Things in 365 Days blog. The first rule is that it has to be something new that I learned during that particular day, not from a previous day. So learning that I need to be a better listener doesn't count since I learned that a long time ago :) There's no doubt that some days I will learn lots and lots of new things. However, I don't think it would be fair to carry those new things forward to another day. The second rule is that what I learned needs to be something that I encountered throughout my normal day. So going to a This Day In History Wikipedia entry just doesn't seem fair either. I also have no doubt that I may learn a few new things throughout the course of a day, but keeping track of, and remembering, them may also be challenging.

So there you have it. I learned today that it may be hard to learn, and remember, and post a new thing every day.

I enjoy learning the most from others. If you have any ideas or thoughts that you might want to share, please e-mail your comments to You might be responsible for me learning something new one day. And I thank you in advance.

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