Monday, January 25, 2010

No. 25 - Pimentos

What is a pimento? This is the question my wife posed to me after I asked her to tell me something I don't know. She was preparing a tuna noodle casserole and pimentos were one of the ingredients. My initial reaction was that they had something to do with olives, which I don't like and don't eat, although I love olive oil. Strange. Anyway the pimento is the red blotch stuffed into some olives. The pimento is a large, red, heart-shaped pepper. Pimiento is the Spanish word for pepper. Pimentos come in different varieties, from sweet to hot. The hottest pimentos are dried, ground finely and become paprika. Pimentos are also used to make pimento cheese and pimento loaf.

1 comment:

  1. I also did not like olives. Then I thought,"Why do I not like olives?" I happened to be getting on a boat for six months at that time. Olives were served each day at lunchtime. Day one, one olive. Day two, two olives. On and on that went. I still remember people asking me, "Why are you taking all the olives?" I replied with, "I need to eat them." I love olives now. Mind over matter or maybe just force feeding, whatever it was, it worked. I also know a couple of five year olds that are always eating my garlic stuffed olives.
    Try it out. Start with one and work your way up. I just recently started eating the pimento stuffed olives. Although, you can't really taste the pimento. It might be in there for coloring.
