Sunday, January 31, 2010


My dad sent me an e-mail with a link to an article called "15 Things You Never Noticed on a Dollar." I liked that the article started off with a question about what a dollar is worth. On August 15, 1971, Richard Nixon ended any remaining link that the dollar had to gold. Since then the dollar has been backed by nothing. Nada. Zip. Zero. It's merely a piece of paper. It works as a medium of exchange currently because people agree it has value. They have faith that it will have value tomorrow. This, of course, is nothing new to me. I think when a full sifting-through-the-rubble analysis is done after this economic crisis and depression run its course, this date in 1971 will be viewed as a major event which set the stage for the events transpiring today.

I did learn that on a dollar bill, under the pyramid on the back are the letters MDCCLXXVI, which are the Roman numerals for 1776, the year the Declaration of Independence was signed. M is 1,000. D is 500. CC is 200. L is 50. XX is 20. And VI is 6.

1 comment:

  1. "DADABOTS use a modified SampleRNN architecture to generate music in modern genres such as black metal and math rock. Unlike MIDI and symbolic models, SampleRNN generates raw audio in the time domain. This requirement becomes increasingly important in modern music styles where timbre and space are used compositionally. Long developmental compositions with rapid transitions between sections are possible by increasing the depth of the network beyond the number used for speech datasets. We are delighted by the unique characteristic artifacts of neural synthesis."
