Thursday, September 2, 2010

No. 245 - Kiuic

Almost half the day passed without me apparently learning anything new. Then I remembered that I was carrying with me an envelope that arrived in the mail yesterday from my dad. He often sends me articles from newspapers that he thinks would interest me. I flipped through the newspaper clippings and stopped on one from USA Today titled So long, said the Maya.

I learned that Kiuic (pronounced kee-week) is a biological reserve and former Maya city located in the Puuc (hilly) region of the Yucatan. Kiuic means "gathering place" in Mayan. Some believe that the area could eventually reveal the secrets of the Maya collapse, for it holds material evidence for a massive exodus around a thousand years ago. Its jungle surroundings were thought to have been empty of human history until 2009, when a national archaeological team uncovered two pyramids and nine palaces.

Imagine that. Even with all of today's sophisticated satellite technology (like Google Maps where you can see people walking on the street) no one knew that two pyramids and nine palaces sat in a jungle until just last year.

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