Our Grisette, a Belgian farmhouse style which was originally brewed to be the beer of the miners (Saison was the beer for the farmers), is back on tap at both pubs! Its name is derived from the French word for gray, referring to the young women (the grisettes) who doled out pints as the men exited from the mines while still dressed in their gray factory frocks. Whatever. It's a great summer beer!I thought that ending the week (and soon the summer) with a hot roast beef sandwich and a couple of Grisettes sounded mighty nice. Then I thought of a friend that I haven't seen in many years and sent him this note: Are you interested in grabbing a beer and sandwich at Sly Fox tonight? They have a new Grisette on tap that sounds tasty.
He replied: I am very interested, but I need to apply for a kitchen pass. Let me check with [wife's name] this afternoon.
A kitchen pass? I found the below definition in an article titled The Art of the Kitchen Pass, which is well worth the full read.
Kitchen Pass (def.) - 1. Authorization for leave of the household in order to pursue purely manly interests. 2. Official sanctioning of any activity performed outside of the household by the recognized governing body of the kitchen. 3. Permission from your wife or significant other.
I asked about a half dozen people and no one had ever heard of a kitchen pass. But that's why I want to grab a beer with this guy. It's bound to be a rewarding learning experience. And the Grisettes won't hurt either.
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