I believe that a day is not complete until you learn something new. This blog will chronicle the (at least) one new thing I learned every day in 2010. It might be comical. It might be serious. It might be something you already know. But it will be new to me.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
No. 230 - Bammy
I have been eating a lot of jerk chicken this week. I thought I would learn something about jerk spice, but didn't. However, I did learn that jerked meat, usually chicken or pork, is often purchased along with a bread called bammy.
Bammy or bami is a traditional Jamaican deep-fried cassava flat bread. The round cakes are prepared by soaking the dough in coconut milk or water and frying. Travelers to Jamaica have described it as "fried cassava cakes dripping in butter."
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