It's a miserably draughty hovel that functions as living quarters year-round. That's where Eugen Norman lives. He's in his late seventies and is a painter of sorts. I think his work is kitsch, but he's rather well known as a landscape painter. You might call him the obligatory eccentric in the village.
I did not know what type or style of art is referred to as kitsch.
Dictionary.com defines "kitsch" as something of tawdry design, appearance, or content created to appeal to popular or undiscriminating taste. It is the German word for trash.
I learned that kitsch is a form of art that is considered an inferior, tasteless copy of another style of art. It is used to describe objects of poor taste and poor quality that are cheap, mass-produced, and unoriginal.
The term "kitsch" or "kitschy" is considered derogatory, denoting works executed to pander to popular demand alone and purely for commercial purposes rather than works created as self-expression by an artist.
Garden gnomes and other lawn ornaments are consider kitsch.
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