Researchers from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recently released the results of a study which found that the chokeberry, a Native American fruit also known as Aronia, assists in regulating proper weight and helps balance out blood glucose levels.I tend to oversimplify things. Refer to Post No.155. Keep it Short and Simple. So for me maintaining proper weight comes down to two things:

2. Exercise. That seems to be self-explanatory.
I have always been on the slender side. But a few years ago I experimented to see what would happen if I exercised more and ate less for thirty days. I did not starve myself, but ate reasonably-sized portions. No second helpings. There were many days when my body yelled "FEED ME!" I yelled back "NO!" I ended up losing a pound every three days for a total of ten pounds. It did not surprise me.
But I digress.
I learned that the chokeberry is a shrub native to North America. There are two well-known species, named after their fruit color, red chokeberry and black chokeberry, plus a purple chokeberry whose origin is a natural hybrid of the two. The name "chokeberry" comes from the astringency of the fruits which are inedible when raw. The berries can be used to make wine, jam, syrup, juice, soft spreads, and tea.
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